Welcome to Alfreton Town Council
This site provides you with news of local matters, contact details for the Council and Council Members, meeting dates, minutes and various other useful documents.
Display in Severn Square by Alfreton & District u3a
On Saturday 24th September
This year the u3a nationwide is celebrating 40 years of laughter, learning and meeting new friends. Here in Alfreton we are approaching our 10th anniversary.
Our members enjoy the u3a so much that we are having gazebos with displays of our Interest Groups in Severn Square, from 10am to 3pm on Saturday 24th September.
Our Interest Groups are contributing to the day and the Ukulele Group will play several times and hope to recruit a few players. Do come along to see and stay for a chat.
The u3a is aimed at people who, if not yet retired, have some free time in the day to enjoy themselves legally, possibly learn something different and even improve their fitness. Certainly they will have the opportunity to meet a wide range of people and the chance to form new friendships.
Our 24 Interest Groups reflect the current members. New members may have their own enthusiasms and will almost certainly find a few like-minded folk to start a new Group.
We have a monthly meeting on the 2nd Thursday in the month, at 2pm in the Church Hall next to Christ the King Church along Nottingham Road, Alfreton DE55 7GL. We usually have an interesting speaker, time to chat, and a cup of tea or coffee.
Photo by local artist Tony Fisher
Notice of a Casual Vacancy
Alfreton Town Council
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor for the West Ward of the Parish of Alfreton, resulting from Councillor Christian Dale ceasing to be a member.
The vacancy will be filled by election if, within 14 days after the date of this notice*, 10 electors for the West Ward give notice in writing to the Executive Director, Amber Valley Borough
Council, Town Hall, Ripley, Derbyshire, DE5 3XE asking for an election to be held to fill the vacancy.
If an election is not requested, the vacancy will be filled by Alfreton Town Council.
Dated 21st July 2022
T Crookes
Joint Town Clerk
*(Note: by end 10th August 2022. The period of 14 days referred to EXCLUDES Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays)
Additional Information
- CD vacancy 21.07.22 (72 kB)
News Headlines

Baby Showers 💙💗 - Parties 🥳 - Events 🎤 and Much More……
: Function room up to 80 people
: Fully stocked bar
: Outdoor area also available for extra space weather permitting
Please message the club for more information and we will be happy to help with any queries 🖤💛
Thank you Amber Valley Borough Council for installing this beautiful bench.