
Financial Year 2024/2025

June 2024
May 2024 AVBC Alfreton House & Properties £1,498.50 Alfreton House & Properties
AVBC Alfreton House & Properties £548.90 Alfreton House & Properties
Marilliam Flowers Flower Display £512.59 Alfreton House & Properties
Mariliam Flowers Flower Display £704.52 Alfreton House & Properties
Mariliam Flowers Flower Display £620.88 Alfreton House & Properties
Salaries Wages £5,564.59 Personnel
Palmer Morewood Grants £5,625.00 Grants
Palmer Morewood Grants £6,240.00 Grants
April 2024 Salaries Wages £6,355.54 Personnel
TAJ Indian Mayor Events £667.50 Events
AVBC Alfreton House & Properties £1,665.06 Alfreton House & Properties
AVBC Alfreton House & Properties £893.34 Alfreton House & Properties
Engie Gas Gas Supply £525.58 Alfreton House & Properties
Decx Limited Regeneration £8,400 Regeneration
Forest Farm Maintenance £576.00 Alfreton House & Properties
Clear Councils Insurance £4,430.27 Alfreton House & Properties
John Felix Regeneration £2,500 Regeneration

Financial Year 2023/2024

Notice of exercise of Public rights

Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) Redacted AGAR

Alfreton TC 23 24 internal audit report

March 2024 Salaries Wages £5,867.44 Personnel
City Illuminations Christmas Lights £2,340.00 Events
PJSL Limited Entertainment £528.00 Events
Engie Gas Gas Supply £544.07 Alfreton House & Properties
February 2024 Salaries Wages £5,147.83 Personnel
Engie Gas Gas Supply £719.35 Alfreton House & Properties
City Illuminations Christmas Lights £798.00 Events
RSM Home & Garden Maintenance !1,030.00 Personnel
AYUP Grant £702.00 Grants
January 2024 Salaries Wages £5,872.57 Personnel
City Illuminations Christmas Lights £8,544.00 Events
White Post Farm Events £510.00 Events
D M Sturt Christmas Tree £1,477.00 Events
December 2023 Engie Gas Gas £567.67 Alfreton House & Properties
Lloyds Bank Credit Card £794.31 Personnel
RSM Home & Garden Maintenance £850.00 Personnel
RSM Home & Garden Maintenance £1,055.00 Personnel
O Heap & Son Maintenance £1,189.08 Alfreton House & Properties
Location Audio Events £1,278.75 Events
Salaries Wages £6,976.26 Personnel
November 2023 PJSL Entertainment £780.00 Events
SLCC Training £686.80 Training & Development
Edge IT Software/Licence £1,682.93 Office Equipment
City Illuminations Christmas Lights £13,116.00 Christmas Lights
John Felix Regeneration £500.00 Regeneration
Salaries Wages £9,092.90 Personnel
RSM Home & Garden Maintenance £1,690.00 Personnel
PJSL Entertainment £1,344.00 Events
RSM Home & Garden Maintenance £520.00 Personnel
RSM Home & Garden Winter Plants £900.00 Personnel
RSM Home & Garden Maintenance £520.00 Personnel
October 2023 Marilliam Flowers Flower Display £2,706.12 Alfreton House & Properties
Amber Valley Borough Council Lease £3,950.00 Alfreton House & Properties
Marilliam Flowers Flower Display £1,610.08 Alfreton House & Properties
PKF Littlejohn Professional Services £756.00 Accounts
Derbyshire County Council Maintenance £2,100.52 Alfreton House & Properties
Christ the King Grants £1,575.00 Grants
Salaries Wages £5,079.87
September 2023 City Illuminations Christmas Lights £2,160.00 Events
RSM Home & Garden Maintenance £920.00 Personnel
JRB Enterprise Dog Waste Bags £1,438.14 Environment
RSM Home & Garden Maintenance £930.00 Personnel
O’Heap & Son Fire Alarm Service £521.26 Alfreton House & Properties
Derbyshire Unemployed Workers Grant £5,000.00 Grants
South Normanton & District Food Bank Grant £2,687.36 Grants
Alfreton Friendship Group Grant £1,500.00 Grants
Zirkon Limited Maintenance £1,035.60 Environment
Salaries Wages £6,251.44 Personnel
August 2023 Anthony Fisher Arts Trail £1,000.00 Regeneration
Salaries Wages £5,063.47 Personnel
AYUP Outreach Services £6,000.00 Grants
Copiers & Printers Office Equipment £594.05 Equipment
Amber Valley Borough Council Election Charges £8,666.30 Election
July 2023 RSM Home Improvements Maintenance £1,810.00 Personnel
RSM Home Improvements Maintenance £1,075.00 Personnel
City Illuminations Christmas Lights £8,040.00 Christmas Lights
Salaries Wages £5,659.12 Personnel
June 2023 Salaries Wages £5,063.64 Personnel
Zirkon Limited Maintenance £1,035.60 Environment
May 2023 SLCC Training £3,250.00 Training & Development
Salaries Wages £5,065.66 Personnel
Decx Limited Umbrella Display £5,994.00 Regeneration
Sarah Bright Big Summer Event £500.00 Events
Decx Limited Flag Display £1,524.00 Regeneration
David Ogilvie Limited Queens Memorial Seat £1,566.00 Regeneration
RSM Home Improvements Maintenance £1,620.00 Personnel
RSM Home Improvements Maintenance £730.00 Personnel
PJSL Events £1,548.00 Events
Marrilliam Flowers Flower Display £1,803.72 Alfreton House & Properties
Amberol Plant Display £1,137.12 Alfreton House & Properties
Marilliam Flowers Flower Display £2,869.18 Alfreton House & Properties
April 2023 Engie Gas Gas £593.59 Alfreton House & Prop
Amber Valley Borough Council Council Tax £1,362.27 Alfreton House & Prop
Edge IT New Laptop £842.40 New Equipment
Amber Valley Borough Council Council Tax £1,265.44 Alfreton House & Prop
Zurich Insurance £6,023.21 Alfreton House & Prop
SLCC Training £2,875.00 Training & Development

Financial Year 2022/2023

Notice of exercise of public rights

Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)  Alfreton Town Council AGAR redacted

Notice of conclusion of audit

AGAR section 1

AGAR section 2

AGAR section 3


March 2023 Decx Limited Deposit for umbrella display £6000 Regeneration
City Illuminations Ongoing contract for Christmas Lights £5,430.00 Christmas Lights
Engie Gas Gas Supply £567.77 Alfreton House & Prop
RSM Home & Garden Maintenance of town £695.00 Personnel
Arbor Tree Tree Maintenance £1,380.00 Environment
Salaries Wages £9,926.72 Personnel
February 2023 City Illuminations Christmas Lights £1,770.00 Christmas Lights
Printscene Newsletter printing £643.00 Newsletter
Henman Dunn Plumbing works £2,290.01 Alfreton House & Prop
Vertas Cleaning £885.71 Alfreton House & Prop
Alfreton Town Football Club Sponsorship £3,000.00 Sponsorship
Salaries Wages £4,999.50 Personnel
Engie Gas Gas £696.74 Alfreton House & Prop
January 2023
Vertas Cleaning £885.71 Alfreton House & Prop
City Illuminations Events £8544.00 Christmas Lights
Derbyshire U.W.C Grant £2855.00 Grants
Salaries Wages £4248.20 Personnel
Engie Gas £574.97 Alfreton House & Prop
Total Energies Electric £546.60 Alfreton House & Prop
Zirkon Maintenance £1038.00 Environment
D Sturt Events £1307.00 Christmas Event
December 2022
Location Audio Events £1175.00 Events
City Illuminations Events £2340.00 Christmas Event
City Illuminations Events £13116.00 Christmas Lights
City Illuminations Events £504.00 Christmas Event
Vertas Cleaning £885.71 Alfreton House & Prop
DECX Events £864.00 Christmas Event
SLCC Training £1575.00 Training & Development
Salaries Wages £4351.08 Personnel
November 2022

Vertas Cleaning £885.71 Alfreton House & Prop
Vocon Traffic Events £655.20 Events Remembrance Day
Salaries Wages £6726.82 Personnel
October 2022
Tree Surgeon Maintenance £575.00 Alfreton House
Vertas Cleaning £885.71 Alfreton House & Prop
Derbyshire County Council Personnel £500.00 Personnel
Salaries Wages £4745.61 Personnel
A Fisher Photography Arts Trail £500.00 Regeneration
South Normanton Area Food Bank Grant £2583.00 Grants
September 2022
Vertas Derbyshire Cleaning £885.71 Alfreton House & Prop
Salaries Wages £4935.58 Personnel
Vertas Cleaning £885.71 Alfreton House & Prop
Alfreton Friendship Club Grant £750.00 Grants
Save Alfreton Countryside Grant £1250.00 Grants
TP Knotweed Solutions Treatment £1035.60 Environment
Amber Valley Borough Council Office Rent £3950.00 Alfreton House & Prop
August 2022 PKF Littlejohn Audit fees £720.00 Administration
Vertas Cleaning £885.71 Alfreton House & Prop
Vertas Cleaning £885.71 Alfreton House & Prop
Decx Wisteria display £3834.00 Regeneration
DSP Roofing Roof repairs £840.00 Alfreton House & Prop
Salaries Wages £4,362.75 Personnel
RSM Home & Garden Improvements Water plants around Alfreton, maintenance at miners wheel, weeding & furniture move £520.00 Personnel & Environment
JRB Enterprise Ltd Dog waste bags £1287.00 Environment
July 2022 TP Knotweed Solutions Treatment £1,035.60 Alfreton House & Prop
Salaries Wages £7,795.57 Personnel
RSM Home & Garden Improvements Cut areas 1,2,3 strim around trees, cut grass miners wheel, empty bins, cut lawn, water & supply & LED light £770.00 Personnel & Centenary Green
Save Alfreton Countryside Grant £750.00 Grants
Oscari Grant £750.00 Grants
Tibshelf & District Community First Responders Grant £750.00 Grants
Community Warriors Grant £1,600.00 Grants
June 2022 Vertas Cleaning £885.71 Alfreton House & Prop
Bloomin Bootiful Planting scheme £7,696.52 Alfreton House & Prop
Location Audio Stage hire £1,162.50 Events
Vertas Cleaning £885.71 Alfreton House & Prop
CCS Group Water bowser £1,440.00 Alfreton House
RSM Home & Garden Improvements Collect Jubilee planters & compost, plant up planters, call out to damaged planter £1,001.00 Personnel
RSM Home & Garden Improvements Cut areas 1,2,3 Centenary Green, strim around trees, grass cut Miners Wheel, empty bins, lawn cut & water plants £685.00 Personnel & Centenary Green
RSM Home & Garden Improvements Put up/take down bunting, Beacon Lighting Ceremony, empty bins/tidy £840.00 Events & Personnel
RSM Home & Garden Improvements Cut areas 1,2,3 Centenary Green, strim around trees, cut grass at miners wheel, empty bins £525.00 Personnel & Centenary Green
City Illuminations Christmas Lights £3,558.00 Christmas Lights
Salaries Wages £6,683.85 Personnel
May 2022 RSM Home & Garden Improvements Cut area 1,2,3 Centenary Green, strim around trees, cut grass miners wheel, empty bins, cut hedge, supply & fit man hole cover & toilet seat £502.00 Personnel & Centenary Green
J Simpson Grant £750.00 Grants
Salaries Wages Personnel
Amber Valley Borough Council Trade Waste £1,174.83 Alfreton House & P
RSM Cut areas 1,2,3 Centenary Green, strim & lawn cut, empty bins, remove dead plants, regular maintenance £575.00 Personnel & Centenary Green
Sterling Business Systems Photocopier rental & printing £676.80 Administration
Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline Teddy Bears Picnic £500.00 Events
Santos Higham Farm Balance for Civic Event £925.00 Mayors Allowance
April 2022 Salaries Wages £6,385.74 Personnel
Bolsover Woodland Enterprise Shub removal £2016.00 Centenary Green
RSM Home & Garden Improvements Winter Planting, Cut area 1,2,3 Centenary Green, strim around trees & empty bins £925.00 Personnel & Centenary Green
Santos Higham Farm Deposit for Civic Event £600.00 Mayors Allowance
Amber Valley Borough Council Rates £1,297. Alfreton House & Prop
Bradley & Co Accounting subscription £129.60 Administration
Amber Valley Borough Council Rates Alfreton House & Prop

Financial Year 2021/2022

Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) AGAR P3 SIGNED AGAR P4 SIGNED AGAR P5 SIGNED

Notice of Exercise-of-public-rights-2021-22  (13th June to 22nd July 2022)

Notice of conclusion of audit

Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 202122

Section 3 – External Auditor Report and Certificate 202122


March 2022 Bloomin Bootiful Planting scheme £1,377.90 Regeneration
City Illuminations Christmas Lights £1,374.00 Christmas Lights
Salaries Wages £6,365.32 Personnel
Bloomin Bootiful Planting Scheme £930.60 Regeneration
Vertas Cleaning £833.84 Alfreton House & Prop
Vertas Cleaning £833.84 Alfreton House & Prop
RSM Home & Garden Improvements Supply & fit replacement lock, empty bins Centenary Green & HoC, Leaf collect & tidy Alfreton House, Call out to damaged planter, redig miners wheel flowers, collect donations £1,100.00 Alfreton House & Prop, Maintenance, Mayors Allowance
Amberol Planters £655.26 Regeneration
Watchorn Christian School Grant £650.00 Grants
Engie Gas Gas £550.69 Alfreton House & Prop
Guardian Hygiene Services Legionella Assessment £474.00 Alfreton House & Prop
Alfreton Christian Centre Grant £430.03 Grants
R.S.M. Home & Garden Improvements Custom made beacon, callout for door lock, empty bins on Centenary Green, leaf collect & tidy, rotovate poppy beds £740.00 Events, Maintenance, Centenary Green
February 2022 Zurich Insurance Insurance £5,627.92 Insurance
Vertas Cleaning £833.84 Alfreton House & Prop
Vertas Cleaning £833.84 Alfreton House & Prop
Engie Gas Gas £688.60 Alfreton House & Prop
Sterling Business Systems Printer £676.80 Administration
Salaries Wages £5,181.90 Personnel
January 2022 City Illuminations Christmas Lights £8664.00 Christmas Lights
D.U.W.C Grant £5,000.00 Grants
Woolley Moor Nurseries Planting Scheme £2,400.00 Alfreton House & Prop
Edge IT Systems Email hosting & Office 365 £1,330.56 Administration
Engie Gas Gas £646.75 Alfreton House & Prop
Salaries Wages £5,449.32 Personnel
December 2021 TP Knotweed Solutions Treatment £1035.60 Alfreton House & Prop
RSM Home & Garden Improvements Christmas Lights callouts, supply grit & treat paths & Santa’s grotto removal £762.50 Personnel
City Illuminations Christmas Lights £9,116.40 Christmas Lights
City Illuminations Christmas Lights £12,996.00 Christmas Lights
The Joker Entertainment Entertainment £840.00 Events
City Illuminations Christmas Lights £2,340.00 Christmas Lights
D Sturt Christmas Tree £1,135.00 Christmas Lights
Sterling Business Systems Printer £658.58 Administration
Vertas Cleaning £833.84 Alfreton House & Prop
Edge IT Systems Email Hosting £1,058.40 Administration
Salaries Wages £7383.86 Personnel
November 2021 Salaries Wages £5376.29 Personnel
Sleetmoor United Grant £1,823.00 Grants
Alfreton Town Football Club Sponsorship £3,000 Sponsorship
Bloomin Bootiful Winter Bedding £2,345.40 Alfreton House & Prop
Vertas Cleaning £833.84 Alfreton House & Prop
Amberol Planters £657.18 Regeneration
October 2021 Salaries Wages £4,380.85 Personnel
AVBC Rent £3,950.00 Alfreton House & Prop
Glawton Ltd Stage Hire £1,710.00 Christmas Event
Vertas Cleaning £833.84 Alfreton House & Prop
RSM Plant watering, Centenary Green cuts, bin emptying, lawn cuts, removal of wild flowers £605.00 Personnel/Centenary Green
Bradley & Co Sage support £564.00 Administration
Methodist Homes Grant £750.00 Grants
Elite Industrial Supplies Hi Viz clothing £529.40 Regeneration
September 2021 Salaries Wages £4,380.45 Personnel
Vertas Cleaning £833.84 Alfreton House & Prop
JA Booth Tree Survey £700.00 Centenary Green
PKF Littlejohn LLP Audit £720.00 Administration
RSM Plant watering, Centenary Green cuts, lawn cuts £605.00 Personnel/Centenary Green
August 2021 Salaries Wages £4,380.65 Personnel
Amber Valley CVS Support work £2,250.00 Community Hub Project
RSM Plant watering, allotment clearance, Centenary green cuts, lawn cuts, bin emptying £645.00 Personnel/Centenary Green
July 2021 South Normanton Area Foodbank Grant £2,500.00 Grants
SLCC Course Fees £1,376.00 Training
SLCC Course Fees £1,376.00 Training
RSM Plant watering, call out for fallen tree, put up banners, rebuild wall at Alfreton House & cut hedges at allotments £1,355.00 Personnel/Alfreton House & Prop & Allotments
JRB Enterprise Ltd Dog waste bags £1,107.60 Environment
Salaries Wages £4,380.45 Personnel
Vertas Cleaning £833.84 Alfreton House & Prop
RSM Grass cutting & strimming, plant watering, chimney blockage, erect bunting £580.00 Personnel/Centenary Green
June 2021 Salaries Wages £4,380.65 Personnel
Community Warriors Grant £750.00 Grants
Chapman & Chubb Legal services £720.00 Alfreton House & Prop
RSM Furniture removal, House of Confinement tidy up. Rotavate & plant poppy’s £510.00 Personnel/Centenary Green
Save our Countryside Action Group Grant £500.00 Grants
Vertas Cleaning £833.84 Alfreton House & Prop
May 2021 Salaries Wages £4,380.45 Personnel
Vertas Cleaning £834.02 Alfreton House & Prop
April 2021 Salaries Wages £4,380.45 Personnel
Total Gas & Power Gas £814.43 Alfreton House & Prop
Engie Gas £513.42 Alfreton House & Prop
SLCC Course fees £1,470.00 Training
SLCC Course fees £1,470.00 Training
Amber Valley Borough Council Trade waste £1,118.99 Alfreton House & Prop
RSM Work on Centenary Green, grass cutting & rubbish clearance £500.00 Centenary Green & Personnel
Amber Valley Borough Council Rates 1,297.40 Alfreton House & Prop
South Normaton & Area Foodbank Grant £2,500 Grants

Financial Year 2020/2021

Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)

Notice of Exercise-of-public-rights-2020-21  (14th June to 23rd July 2021)

Notice of conclusion of audit 2021

External Auditor Report and Certificate 2020-21

Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2020-21

March 2021 Salaries Wages £4,889.00 Personnel
Vertas Cleaning £2,657.60 Alfreton House & Prop
City Illuminations Christmas Lights £3,600.00 Christmas Lights
Zurich Insurance £5452.15 Insurance
Engie Gas £582.70 Alfreton House & Prop
February 2021 Salaries Wages £4,889.00 Personnel
Engie Gas £706.39 Alfreton House & Prop
City Illuminations Christmas Lights £600.00 Christmas Lights
Alfreton Cricket Club Grant £2,000.00 Grants
Sterling Business System Colour photocopies £763.36 Administration
David King Photography Virtual Christmas Lights switch on video £500.00 Events
January 2021 City Illuminations Christmas Lights £960.00 Christmas Lights
Woolley Moor Nurseries Winter Bedding scheme £1,950.00 Alfreton House & Prop
Salaries Wages, Pension, HMRC £4,889.00 Personnel
City Illuminations Christmas Lights £12,096.00 Christmas Lights
Don Sturt Christmas Trees £1,080.00 Christmas Lights
Total Gas & Power Gas Bill £724.01 Alfreton House & Prop
Salaries December Pension & HMRC £2,245.86 Personnel
December 2020 Salaries Wages £3,813.31 Personnel
Gee Security Town Council Office alarm upgrade & annual maintenance contract £1,128.00 Alfreton House & Prop
Vertas Cleaning Contract £817.68 Alfreton House & Prop
British Gas Gas Bill £528.81 Alfreton House & Prop
City Illuminations Christmas Lights £18,144.00 Christmas Lights
November 2020 Salaries Wages, Pension, HMRC £4,889.00 Personnel
Derbyshire Unemployed Workers Centre Grant £5,000.00 Grant
Vertas Cleaning Contract £817.68 Alfreton House & Prop
Vertas Cleaning Contract £817.68 Alfreton House & Prop
Alfreton Town Football Club Sponsorship £3,000.00 Sponsorship
PKF Littlejohn LLP Audit £720.00 Administration
RSM Labour for replacement Christmas Nativity £580.00 Personnel
October 2020 Salaries Wages, Pension, HMRC £4,889.00 Personnel
O’Heap & Sons Fire alarm & emergency lighting service & repairs £801.00 Alfreton House & Prop
City Illuminations Christmas Lights £582.00 Christmas Lights
RSM Work on Centenary Green £825.00 Centenary Green
JRB Dog waste bags £1,023.60 Environment
September 2020 AVBC Office rent £3,950 Alfreton House & Prop
Venture Flooring Replacement flooring upstairs kitchen, toilets & stairs £1,479.53 Alfreton House & Prop
RSM Rotavate & erect birds mouth fencing. Plant watering £750.00 Personnel
August 2020 Woolley Moor Nurseries Summer planting scheme £2,400 Alfreton House & Prop
Bradley & Co Year end support £798.00 Audit & Professional Services
DCC Cleaning & Caretaking 2020 £4,088.38 Cleaning Contract
Salaries Wages, Pension, HMRC £4,272.66 Personnel
July 2020 Oscari Grant £698.00 Grant
DCHC Grant £660.00 Grant
Salaries Wages, Pension, HMRC £4,272.26 Personnel
SLCC Course Fees £2,164.00 Training
June 2020 JA Booth Centenary Green tree survey £834.00 Environment
Salaries Wages, Pension, HMRC £4,272.46 Personnel
May 2020 British Gas Gas £1,188.61 Utilities
Derbyshire County Council Cleaning & Caretaking 19/20 £9,610.27 Cleaning Contract
AVBC Trade waste £1,065.73 Alfreton House & Prop
Don Sturt Christmas Tree £1,025 Christmas Lights
Salaries Wages, Pension, HMRC £4,367.45 Personnel

Financial Year 2019/2020

Notice:Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019/2020:

Completed audit 19.20 Alfreton Town Council, Notice of conclusion of audit document image.


Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019/20 Part 3 document image


Guidance notes re completing Part 3 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Reforms 2019/20 document image

Annual Internal Audit Report 2019/20

Annual Internal Audit Report 2019/20 Document image

Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2019/20

Section 1 - Annual Internal Audit report 2019/20 document image

Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2019/20

Section 2 - Accounting Statements for 2019/20 for Alfreton Town Council document image

Section 3 – External Auditor Report and Certificate 2019/20

Section 3 - External Auditor Report and Certificate 2019/20 for Alfreton Town Council Document Image


April   2020 SLCC Course Fees £2940 Training
AVBC Rates £1447.10 Alfreton House & Prop
AVBC Room 1 Rates £1297.40 Alfreton House & Prop
Fareshare Grant £1,000 Grants
Salaries Wages, Pension, HMRC £4272.25 Personnel
Total Electric Electricity £1747.35 Alfreton House & Prop
March 2020 Forest Farm Tree Services Tractor Flail £516 Environment
Bolsover Woodland Enterprise Flail, mow, brushcut £624 Environment
Salaries Wages, Pension, HMRC £4192.18 Personnel
Beauchief Supply & fit replacement Flue £570 Alfreton House & Prop
RSM Collect & plant trees for Centenary Green, empty bins, unlock for Plumber £555 Personnel
Zurich £5,372.78 Insurance
February 2020 Brandon Tool Hire £463.68 Environment
Venture Replacement carpet £518.60 Alfreton House & Prop
Salaries Wages, Pension, HMRC £4192.18 Personnel
January 2020 City Illuminations Christmas Lights £12,096 Christmas Lights
Salaries Wages, Pension, HMRC £4192.18 Personnel
British Gas Utilities £1160.26 Alfreton House & Prop
December 2019 Joker Entertainment Stage Entertainment £792 Events
Joker Entertainment Walkabout Entertainment £792 Events
City Illuminations Christmas Lights £18,144 Christmas Lights
City Illuminations Christmas Lights £720 Christmas Lights
City Illuminations Anchor Testing £960 Christmas Lights
Alfreton Cricket Club Grant £1,500 Grant
Salaries Wages, Pension, HMRC £4610.37 Personnel
November 2019 Gee Security CCTV Camera relocation £510 Cash Office
Print Scene Newsletter printing £530 Newsletter
AVBC Elections £8122.41 Elections
Woolley Moor Nurseries Winter planting scheme £1230 Alfreton House & Prop
Bolsover Woodland Enterprise Grant £750 Grants
Arbor Tree Services Crown, lift & thin beech tree £540 Alfreton House & Prop
Salaries Wages, Pension, HMRC £4192.18 Personnel
October 2019 Woolley Moor Nurseries Summer planting scheme £2190 Alfreton House & Prop
Beauchief Supply & install replacement boiler £2027 Alfreton House & Prop
Location Audio Balance of stage hire £570 Events
Venture Flooring Replacement carpet £652.51 Cash Office
D.U.W.C Grant £5,000 Grants
AVBC Rent £3,755.21 Cash Office
Salaries Wages, Pension, HMRC £4191.98 Personnel
JRB Dog waste bags £1023.60 Environment
September 2019 Salaries Wages, Pension, HMRC £4772.96 Personnel
Ebuyer IT Equipment £1469.54 Admin
AVBC Rent and Alterations £992.79 Cash Office
AVBC Rates £789.76 Cash Office
Smith & Roper Conditions Survey £546.00 Cash Office
Chapman & Chubb Agreement for Lease £1349.00 Cash Office
Alfreton Town Football Club Sponsorship £3000.00 Sponsorship
Sleetmoor United Grant £1500.00 Grant
August 2019 Salaries Wages, Pension, HMRC £4498.96 Personnel
Bradley & Co Sage support and training £1440.00 Administration
July 2019 Salaries Wages, Pension, HMRC £5111.05 Personnel
June 2019 Salaries Wages, Pension, HMRC £5787.99 Personnel
May 2019 Salaries Wages, Pension, HMRC £4498.76 Personnel

Alfreton Transparency Policy

Audited Annual Governance and Accountability Return

Exercise of Public Rights

Amended Annual Governance and Accountability Return

Unaudited Accounts Notice 

Transactions over £500.00

Financial Year 2018/2019

April   2019
Palmer Morewood Memorial Social Club Buffet for Mayors Civic Event £830.00 Mayors Allowance
A.V.B.C Trade waste collection £1,038.33 Alfreton House
British Gas Gas £1,258.26 Utilities
A.V.B.C Room 1 rates £1,276.60 Alfreton House
A.V.B.C Room 12 rates £1,350.25 Alfreton House
A.V.B.C Finger Post Commissioning £6,000.00 Environment
Salaries £4204.94 Personnel
DCC Cleaning charge 18/19 £9,090.14 Cleaning Contract
March 2019
Zurich Municipal Insurance 5249.38 Insurance
R.S.M Home & Garden Improvements Toilet Refurbishment 535.87 Alfreton House & Properties/Personnel
City Illuminations Christmas Lights 763.73 Christmas Lights
Derbyshire Childrens Holiday Centre Grant 750.00 Grants
R.S.M. Home & Garden Improvements Labour/Machine hire for Poppy planting 1600.00 Personnel/Centenary Green
Salaries 4095.26 Personnel
February 2019
D.M.Sturt Christmas Tree 1025.00 Christmas Lights
Salaries 4095.26 Personnel
January 2019
City Illuminations Dismantle, storage of festive lights 12096.00 Christmas Lights
Waterplus Ltd Annual water bill 1331.94 Utilities
Salaries 4286.00 P
December 2018
Salaries 4286.00 Personnel
November 2018
JRB Enterprise Dog waste bags 985.20 Environment
R.S.M. Home & Garden Improvements Maintenance – war memorial, leaf collecting 646.30 Personnel, Alfreton House
Salaries 4,204.20 Personnel
Woolley Moor Nurseries Winter floral displays 1230.00 Alfreton House & Properties
R.S.M. Home & Garden Improvements Assemble new fence, hedge cutting, fit bench Centenary Green 1120.00 Alfreton House, Christmas Lights, Centenary green
David Ogilvie Engineering Ltd WW1 Memorial benches 2548.40 Alfreton House
City Illuminations 2400.00 Environment, Christmas Lights
October 2018
PKF Littlejohn LLP Audit 720.00 Administration
Location Audio Balance of stage hire 650.00 Balance of stage hire
SLCC Positive Psychology 522.00 Administration
Salaries 3,764.69 Personnel
September 2018
Salaries 3,765.08 Personnel
City Illuminations Anchor Testing 960.00 Christmas Lights
Alfreton Town Cricket Club Grant 1,500.00 Grant
Sleetmoor United Grant 1,000.00 Grant
Alfreton Town Football Club Sponsorship 3,000.00 Sponsorship
The Joker Entertainment Elf Antics stageshow 780.00 Christmas Event
August 2018
Salaries 4695.20 Personnel
R.S.M. Home & Garden Improvements Watering of hanging baskets, grass cutting 720.00 Alfreton House
Woolley Moor Nurseries Summer Plants 979.08 Environment
Andrews Builders Re-pointing works to roof 596.40 Alfreton House
July 2018
Amber Sound FM Radio roadshow (Party in the Park grant) 780.00 Grants
G Mudford & Sons Ltd Marquee Hire (Party in the Park Grant) 3228.00 Grants
Salaries Personnel 5195.26
June 2018
RMB Electricals Testing & Install Emergency Lighting 516.00 Alfreton House & Prop
Salaries Personnel 5195.26
May 2018
D.U.W.C Grant 5000.00 Grant
Salaries Personnel 6020.61
April 2018
A.V.B.C Room 1 Rates 1248.00 Alfreton House
A.V.B.C Room 12 Rates 1320.00 Alfreton House
A.V.B.C Annual Refuse Collection 1017.52 Alfreton House
Salaries Personnel 5110.48 Personnel
D.C.C. Cleaning 17/18 8824.03 Cleaning Contract

Financial Year 2017/2018

Alfreton Transparency Policy

Exercise of Public Rights 2017/2018

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 17.18

Completed audit return 18.19 

APRIL 2017
R Beecroft Boiler Repairs 575 Alfreton House
British Gas Electricity 670.18 Alfreton House
Rotary Club of Alfreton Grant 685.00 Grants
Derbyshire Childrens Hol Home Grant 750.00 Grants
AVBC Trade Refuse 2017/18 989.31 Alfreton House/Prop’s
Location Audio Stage Hire 1000.00 Balances
Friends of Woodbridge Grant 1000.00 Grants
AVBC Rates Room 1 1211.60 Alfreton House & Prop’s
AVBC Rates Room 12 1281.50 Alfreton House
DUWC Grant 2500.00 Grants
MAY 2017
O Heap & Son Ltd New Fire Alarm 1054.45 Alfreon House
J Mullarkey Catering 1160.00 Mayoral Funds
British Gas Gas 1227.57 Alfreton House
C Richards Plants, Compost 1433.70 Environment
Personnel Wages 4518.97 Personnel
JUNE 2017
Personnel Wages 6413.74 Personnel
Alfreton Town Council Transfer to Natwest bank 60000.00 FSCS cover
JULY 2017
British Gas Electricity 595.85 Utilities
Mudford & Son Marquee Hire for Party in the Park 3552.00 Grants
RMB Electrical Services Lighting, fan, switches & sockets 582.00 Alfreton House
Personnel Wages 6658.16 Personnel
GEE Security Limited Additional CCTV Camera installation 516.00 Alfreton House and Properties
Personnel Wages 7213.65 Personnel
Joker Entertainment Elf Antics Show 960.00 Alfreton House & Prop
Alfreton Male Voice Choir Grant 600.00 Grant
Alfreton & District Heritage Trust Grant 750.00 Grant
Alfreton Cricket Club Grant 1500.00 Grant
Alfreton Town Football Club Sponsorship 3000.00 Grant
Personnel Wages 5483.61 Personnel
British Gas Electric 589.12 Alfreton House
Alfreton House Tea rooms Buffet for Civic Service 745.00 Mayoral
City Illuminations Christmas Lights 1752.00 Christmas Lights
Personnel Wages 5615.29 Personnel
Town Clerk Reimbursement for replacement Poppy 600.00 Alfreton House
Staff salaries and associated costs Personnel 5382.96 Personnel
D.M. Sturt Christmas Tree 1307.00 Christmas Lights
Salaries Personnel 4806.20 Personnel
City Illuminations Maintenance & Installation of Christmas Lights 18144.00 Christmas Lights
Salaries Personnel 5115.36 Personnel
Drainage 2000 Ltd Drain repairs 704.65 Alfreton House
The South Normanton Area Foodbank Grant 2500.00 Grants
Alfreton & District Amateur Sports Club Grant 1500.00 Grants
City Illuminations Dismantle & storage of Christmas Lights 12096.00 Christmas Lights
British Gas Gas Oct 17 – Jan18 1099.94
Location Audio Deposit for stage hire Xmas event 2018 800.00 Christmas Event
A.V.B.C Contribution towards Amber Valley Dementia Action Alliance 7500.00 Environment
Ornamental Engineering Allotment Gates 2500.00 Allotments
Salaries Personnel 5162.19 Salaries
MARCH 2018
JRB Enterprise Dog Waste Bags 985.20 Environment
Salaries Personnel 5384.66 Personnel
Zurich Municipal Insurance 5701.56 Insurance
John Booth Arborucultural Consultancy 810.00 Outseats Farm
D.C.C 2016/17 Cleaning Charges 8515.58 Cleaning Contract
City Illuminations Replacement Lights 1122.00 Christmas Lights

Completed Audit Statements 2016-2017

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 31.03.2017

Copy of Annual Return 16.17 the approved document will show here when received.

Declaration of status of published accounts

Annual report 2017


Financial Year 2015/2016

Audit notice

Annual return Audit 31.03.15





Additional Information