Bus gate on Aumonier Way – COND/2024/0036

On Saturday 27th April 2024 several Town Councillors met with residents who raised concerns at the Town Council meeting on 16th April 2024 regarding the bus gate on Aumonier Way.
The details of the planning condition are:
Our Ref: COND/2024/0036
Discharge of condition 23 (details of a facility to prevent the free flow of private vehicles through the site) of AVA/2012/0084
Development Type:
Land South Of Mansfield Road And North Of A38 Mansfield Road Alfreton Derbyshire
Wheeldon Brothers Ltd
Wheeldon House Prime Parkway Derby Derbyshire DE1 3QB
The Town Council resolved at their meeting on 19/03/2024;
  i. That the concerns are raised with AVBC as planning authority to consider;
  That it is noted that the positioning was to safely provide a crossing place for the bridleway
  That the roundabout was designed on the flow of traffics anticipated with the current planned location
  The burden on tax payers money for the bus gate and roundabout adjustments
  That there is some deterrent and that the bus gate is not completely removed
  That the residents are informed to contact DCC and AVBC as the Highways and planning authority respectively
  Members of the public are reminded to contact DCC and AVBC as the Highways and planning authorities respectively
The contact details for DCC Highways are;
Place Highways Hub (Place) Highways.Hub@derbyshire.gov.uk
The elected member’s contact details are Charlotte.Cupit@derbyshire.gov.uk
The details for AVBC planning is;
Development development@ambervalley.gov.uk
The Alfreton elected members are;
Cllr Dolman, Gail gail.dolman@ambervalley.gov.uk;
Cllr Wood, Keith Keith.Wood@ambervalley.gov.uk;
Cllr Marshall-Clarke, Steve steve.marshall-clarke@ambervalley.gov.uk





NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor for the West Ward of the Parish of Alfreton, as a result of the reason of Councillor Alan Richardson resigning.


The vacancy will be filled by election if, within 14 days after the date of this notice*, 10 electors for the West Ward give notice in writing to the Electoral Returning Officer, Amber Valley Borough Council, Town Hall, Market Place, Ripley, Derbyshire, DE5 3BT asking for an election to be held to fill the vacancy.


If an election is not requested, the vacancy will be filled by Alfreton Town Council


Dated 9th January 2024




Town Clerk and Proper Officer

*(Note: The period of 14 days referred to EXCLUDES Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays)


15th Christmas Tree Festival at St Martin’s Church


St Martins 15th  Christmas tree festival

Saturday 9th 10 – 3pm

Sunday 10th 11 – 2.30pm

Songs of praise service 3.00pm

Monday 10 – 3pm

Raffle and refreshments available

Free entry

ChristmasTreeFest23 (002)..


St Martins Church St Alfreton DE557AH



Dear Festival Exhibitor,


We at St Martins Church will be holding our Christmas tree Festival from Saturday 9th to Monday 11th December 2023.


This year you are welcome to promote your school/ business/ organisation or individual by either decorating a tree with your own unique identity or alternatively you could “create a crib” or “make a manger”. These could be traditional, contemporary, recycled, inspired by art or technology or follow a theme/campaign you are working on.


We would love to see our local schools/ organisations individuals participate in this wonderful community event at a special time of year by displaying their work and demonstrating the inspiration of their students of all ages and abilities or to advertise their campaigns or products of the local charities or businesses.


Please complete the paperwork and return to


Thank you


Claire Dyson






Dear Festival Exhibitor,


We are delighted that you are taking part in our Tree Festival. This letter gives further details.




Your tree may be fresh or artificial and can be any size. You must provide a suitable stable base/tree stand or container.  Buckets are not permitted (they easily tip over).



Lights are optional, but only ONE socket will be available for every tree. You may have up to 80 lights (100 if LED) that should be in good working order and connected to a plug fitted with a 3-amp fuse. You may include as many battery operated lights as you want but please put the switch where we can see it to turn it on and off. Decorations and lights must be securely fastened. Musical lights and lighted candles cannot be included in the decorations. We reserve the right to check and make safe all electrical systems. Please do not use glitter on your tree as this is extremely hard to remove from the church.


While we shall take all reasonable care of trees, we cannot be held responsible for any mishap to your tree during the festival.


Please give your tree a suitable title for publication in the programme and for labelling, which we shall carry out.


You will be able to decorate your tree at certain times on, Tuesday to Friday 9th  December. Please indicate your preferred time on the accompanying form.


Please remove your tree from the church on Tuesday 12th December between 11am and 3pm. Please let me know if you are only able to remove your tree in the evening. We reserve the right to dispose of any trees left in the church after that time


We hope once again that our Festival will be an occasion that will provide much pleasure and happiness to you and all those who visit our lovely church.


Thank you for your support, creativity and hard work.


Yours very sincerely

Claire Dyson

Festival Coordinator

oR info@techniquecomposites.co.uk


15th Christmas Tree Festival at St Martin’s Church


We are planning for general viewing on Saturday 10-3pm, Sunday 11 -2.30pm songs of praise service 3.00pm, and Monday from 10am to 3pm for schools.  This year the Admission is FREE!  (We do ask that an adult accompany children under 12.)


Refreshments will be available during the Festival and light lunches will be available from 12 to 2pm. There will also be a Raffle.


The format of the Festival is that individuals, churches schools, families, local groups, community organisations, and businesses are invited to provide and decorate a Christmas tree to be on display in the church over the weekend and on the Monday when several schools bring their students to enjoy the decorated trees.


You can decorate your tree to illustrate a theme of your choice.  Every tree can carry lights although we only provide 1 socket per tree.  Trees may be fresh or artificial.


This year we are also inviting groups to make/ decorate a nativity set/scene this can be made from anything e.g. knitting or cardboard or pottery and can be any size within reason. Please can you let me know the approximate size in order to provide adequate space to display the items.


We hope that all who enjoyed our Flower Festivals and our previous Christmas Tree Festivals will want to participate this year and make it another special event for our community.


We do hope you will want to decorate a tree for the Festival.  Please would you indicate if you wish to do so, either by returning the reply form to:  Claire Dyson at 148 Mansfield Road, Alfreton, DE55 7JQ or by email to info@techniquecomposites.co.uk  with the same information.   If you have any questions please do telephone me at 01773 441880


You, your family and friends are warmly invited to attend the traditional service of songs of praise on Sunday at 4:00pm.

Yours sincerely,


Claire Dyson, Festival Coordinator






Additional Information

Alfreton Big Summer Event

Alfreton Big Summer Event
The Town Council will be hosting an event at Alfreton House in conjunction with the Alfreton Big Summer Event Committee to bring a free event to the town.
This will be held over the weekend of 8th and 9th July at Alfreton House and Alfreton Park, pending permission from Amber Valley Borough Council.
It will bring fairground rides, stalls, a stage with entertainment throughout the day, street food, White Post Farm, Shetland ponies, and dance displays on Saturday at Alfreton House and in the town along with a fun dog show, Mad Hatter’s Tea Party and live music on Sunday on the Park, join us with a picnic!
The event has been supported by the Town Mayor, Councillor Hannah Jowett Frost and County Councillor, David Wilson who will be providing the stage for entertainment from 1 pm til 8 pm.
Keep the date free! Everyone is welcome!
If you are interested in booking a stall please use the booking form here…  Booking form 2023

Additional Information

Young People Provisions – Alfreton

As part of the Town Clerk’s current studies for Community Governance, a survey has been prepared on the topic of Young People provisions in Alfreton which we would like to invite you to complete.  This is entirely optional and you may withdraw at any time.


This is to understand what is currently available and what the desires are for future provisions.  The Town Council has for some time been seeking suitable locations for a community hub.  This will also house some young people provisions, which were sadly removed from Alfreton some years ago by the County Council.


The Town Council is embarking on a programme of fact-finding missions to understand the current and required wants and needs of the young people in and around Alfreton.


If you work with, have, or represent a young person please complete the attached.  If you have any further information you would like to share or are interested in getting involved, please email office@alfretontc.co.uk.

Thank you on behalf of the Clerk, Tina Crookes and the Town Council.

The survey can be accessed here:



participant-information-sheet-28.04.23 v1