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TUESDAY 4th MAY 2021






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David T Holmes, Joint Town Clerk and Proper Officer,

Dated 6th April 2021

Alfreton Town Council’s response to Kronos Alfreton Solar Farm


PLANNING APPLICATION Ref. No: 20/01282/FL Proposed photovoltaic solar park and associated infrastructure (NEDDC)

 Alfreton Town Council (ATC) wish to make the following observations and comments to this application, whilst it recognises the importance and requirement for sustainable renewable energy it feels the location of this application is not appropriate within an urban / semi-rural north facing setting.

Economic, environmental and social impacts from such a development are interdependent on each other and this application does not provide adequate mitigations or benefits for each factor.

There is a concern that the applicant has not consulted meaningfully with the local community.  In the literature available from the AVBC website, Kronos acknowledge that ‘Early engagement has significant potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the planning application system for all parties. Good quality pre-application discussion enables better coordination between public and private resources and improved outcomes for the community’

The Town Council recognises the constraints of the Covid-19 pandemic.  Kronos acknowledge that the leaflet distribution to 1000 properties was not delivered.  For a project of this scale and impacting on a neighbouring Town, the selected ‘Zones of Theoretical Visibility’ is not adequate and whilst mitigations have been put in place to offer a second consultation, the scale of the leaflet distribution is inadequate and the wider local community should be included.

It was concerning to hear that the second consultation was not conducted effectively and was indeed branded by Kronos staff as an ‘event’ and not a consultation.  There was no opportunity for the public to ask questions openly.  Questions were fielded by staff and selected from the chat functionality.

The same community engagement statement has been submitted for 2 separate applications for solar farms adjacent to each other, which are in different Councils. This is misleading, at best, whilst Kronos explain that in effect this is one development, 2 separate applications have been made and the consultation of those have been subsumed into one response.  There is an assumption that the responses refer to both applications.

With reference to Kronos’ explanation that this is effectively one application, this raises a concern regarding the limitations of which a Local Planning Authority can approve a solar farm, which is currently up to 50mw of energy.  AVBC application is for a farm generating, ‘just less’ than 50mw.  North East Derbyshire District Councils (NEDCC) application is for a farm generating ‘just below’ 25mw of energy.  Therefore, a total of near 75mw of energy which would require an application of such to be classified as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP), requiring the planning inspectorate approval.

The Town Council requires that Amber Valley Borough Council (AVBC) and North East Derbyshire District Council (NEDDC) delay any decisions on this application until after the pandemic so that suitable consultation can take place and proper engagement can be undertaken with the affected communities.

The access and egress to the solar farm via Church Street raises several issues relating to highway and pedestrian safety, ease of access and disruption from increased traffic.  This is a complicated and busy junction serving as existing access to a Leisure Centre, Adult Education Centre, College, Hall and Conference, Doctors Surgery and Pharmacy, Church, Farm, local businesses and residents.  The addition of works vehicles increases the burden on this area of the town.  Kronos have mitigated this with an access off the B6013, for both AVBC and NEDDC applications raising the question again if this should be one application.  We understand that residents of Ufton Fields Barns may consider legal action to protect their right of access in relation to this application. Whilst that is a matter for them, the Town Council can understand their concern but should the B6013 access be deemed unsuitable for long/heavy goods vehicles then Church Street would appear to be the only other access point for the two application sites.  The Town Council insists that AVBC prohibit the use of Church Street for long/heavy goods vehicles especially due to the positioning of the Grade II listed War Memorial on that junction.

There have been significant applications in Alfreton, in the past, where the transport issues were accepted at Planning level, as being of little or no consequence; for example, Outseats Farm.  You will recall that that proved to be anything but the case.

Alfreton Hall is a Grade II listed building on the edge of Alfreton Park which should be preserved and protected for future generations along with the historic park and grounds, dating back to 1700’s.  St Martins Church is a Grade II* building and the War Memorial is Grade II listed. This area, adjoining the development provides habitat for many species.  The woodland groups are an important part of the landscape. (Local Plan Policy LS3& EN14).  A conservation area, Ponds Wood, is also located within the development area.  The Town Council requires AVBC & NEDDC to recognise the area for its heritage, beauty and links to DH Lawrence providing protection for the open green space.

The site comprises of ‘a mix of predominately native species with a scattering of exotic trees throughout.  Several of the trees have been identified as having features associated with veteran trees. These are subject to greater protections following the publication of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).’ (Tree constraints report, evolve. 2020).  As none of the trees have been identified as unretainable and all have an expectancy beyond 10 years, has consideration been given to retaining where possible, relocating those that cannot realistically be retained or replanting the equivalent of those lost, elsewhere.  AVBC & NEDDC should recognise the loss of the ecology in the area and the importance of the flora, fauna and wildlife.

There is an opinion that the deer fencing would devalue the area of open farmland and public right of way.

National Planning Policy Framework: Open space and recreation states:

  1. Access to a network of high-quality open spaces and opportunities for sport and physical activity is important for the health and well-being of communities.
  2. Planning policies and decisions should protect and enhance public rights of way and access, including taking opportunities to provide better facilities for users, for example by adding links to existing rights of way networks including National Trails.

There is a concept that solar farms generate additional noise in the local vicinity, not just during construction but daily generating of power.  Whilst the application states this will not be a concern, we seek reassurance that a Noise and Vibration consultation has been undertaken on this plan to consider impacts during construction on nearby noise sensitive properties and ongoing management of a solar farm and the impact of noise and disturbance.  This could affect the prospect of businesses locating to Alfreton and house purchases in the Town and local area.

The Glint and Glare Study ‘predicts’ a low impact to traffic on the B6013 and A615 and mitigations to lessen the impact on several properties.  Can assurances be given that those mitigations will be put into place and maintained for life of the solar farm.  It is noted that ‘Zones of Theoretical Visibility’ spans far beyond 5km, yet somewhat surprisingly only 3 properties identified as affected.

Concerns have been raised regarding fire risk, the Building Research Establishment Ltd states ‘All electrical installations, by their nature, will carry some degree of fire risk.  Although fires caused by PV panels are rare, any fire involving a building with a PV array can present an increased risk to occupants and fire-fighters’. The Town Council seeks assurances that a risk assessment is completed by Kronos and adequate safety measures are in place to lessen or remove those risks.

There are no meaningful proposals to mitigate the effects a development of this type would have on the community and local landscape, with Kronos defending the use of the land and devaluing its importance rather than putting in place alternative or additional benefits for the best use of the land underneath the panels and no economic benefits to the community through job creation or investment.  Kronos’ response is to denigrate the area and disregard the value of the important scenic view over the Amber Valley, to Crich, on the edge of the Peak District; more importantly the last open space in the Town of Alfreton.

A company presenting the values of sustainable green energy and environment, wishing to introduce a solar farm in a community should establish those values to support local initiatives and provide improvements to have a positive impact on the area. There are concerns that provisions are not being provided to lessen the effects of such a development, no additional open space opportunities, protection of the public right of way or indeed to better facilities.  If S106 funding is available for an application of this type this must be considered.

Alfreton and surrounding parishes would and could benefit from development that improves the facilities on offer to its residents.  This application offers no compensation for any detriment to the area. The Town Council have projects planned for improving facilities within the Town and Kronos could support those plans by way of compensating for the loss of amenities through, for example, sponsorship of an amphitheatre on Alfreton Park, of community hub within the town, regeneration of the Town Centre, compensatory dedicated open space within the area of the development.

A less intrusive, alternative solution would be to utilise the roof space or footprint of existing industrial buildings and estates, brown field and open spaces on wasteland and industrial estates (Local Plan, point 1.11), have these options been explored?  The Town Council requires AVBC & NEDDC to support them in their aim to protect this area.

The Town Council would like to see the public rights of way, open spaces, farmland and green belts surrounding Alfreton protected from development.  This area is the only countryside available to the town of Alfreton and it would be a great loss to the residents if the area was used for such a development.  The recent pandemic has highlighted the valuable and regular use of these footpaths, promoting and fostering good mental health.

Whilst the Town Council support AVBC in their aim to become carbon neutral we would like to work together to review alternative measures which could be utilised in the area to strike a balance.  Alfreton has seen many developments in the vicinity in the recent past removing much of the green spaces which surround it: Outseats Farm, Damstead Park, Lily Street Farm and now the application for Kronos Solar Farm and the anticipated Solar Farm on the opposing side of the A615.

Before the approval in 2020 of the Clevehill Solar Farm in Kent, Shotwick Solar Farm in Flintshire was the largest with a capacity of 72MW.  The approval of the two applications would see Alfreton Solar Farm as the second largest solar farm in the UK, pending approval of two further applications through NSIP.

In conclusion we would draw the attention of the planning authority to the fact that this would be the second largest in the country, due to that impact, the planning authority should be particularly diligent and vigilant in requiring mitigation in the loss of community with no apparent benefits.

The Town Council would like AVBC & NEDDC to carefully consider the contents of this letter and the impact that such an application would have on the area.

The Town Council wants to reserve its right to attend and speak at both Council Planning Boards when this application is considered.

Best Wishes

Joint Town Clerk, Alfreton Town Council



Amber Valley MP Nigel Mills

Leader of the Council AVBC Councillor Chris Emmas-Williams

Deputy Leader AVBC Councillor Ben Bellamy

Chesterfield MP Toby Perkins

Chair of Planning Board AVBC Councillor Mick Wilson

Leader of the Council NEDDC Councillor Alex Dale

Deputy Leader of the Council NEDDC Councillor Charlotte Cupit

NEDDC MP Lee Rowley

Alfreton Town Council
Alfreton Town CouncilTuesday, December 31st, 2024 at 9:00am
🌟 Alfreton Town Council: A Year of Progress and Community Spirit! 🌟

As 2024 comes to a close, I am reflecting on the past year and what lies ahead for Alfreton Town Council. This year from vibrant events to significant regeneration efforts, Alfreton has truly thrived!

I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from myself, fellow Councillors and staff of Alfreton Town Council.

Town Mayor – Cllr David Taylor

🎉 Events Highlights:
Christmas Light Switch-On: Our town was illuminated with festive cheer on November 23rd, featuring family-friendly activities, stalls, and Santa’s Grotto. Linked with the Indoor market and Genesis market there was plenty on offer. Another beautiful display of Christmas Lights brightens up the town on dull December afternoons.
Monthly Markets: We hosted a series of markets, showcasing local businesses and producers. Providing entertainment and community spirit.
Remembrance Parade: is a significant annual event where the community gathers to honour the fallen. It begins at Alfreton House on High Street and proceeds to the war memorial on King Street for an outdoor service. St Martin’s Church provided a service.
Civic Carol Service: A service was held in St Martin’s Church where Darley Dale Brass Band and Sonara Singers provided beautiful entertainment.

🏗️ Regeneration Projects:
Historical Trail progress: We have proudly progressed the historical trail with new interpretation boards, celebrating Alfreton's rich heritage. This will culminate in a trail around the town.
Some of the Current locations are:
Watchorn Bus Shelter
War Memorial
St Martins Church
DH Lawrence and CS Lewis
Park Mill
Alfreton House
Alfreton Town Football Club
Centenary Green
Mining Wheel
Community Facility for Youth: Identified and facilitated a network for youth and user groups, fostering a supportive environment for our younger residents. A charity has now been set up called AYUP – Alfreton Youngsters Umbrella Provision run by a group of Trustees who will continue to support the youth of Alfreton. The Town Council have supported them with funding identified in the budget for Youth Provisions.

Public Realm Improvements: The Town Council through the regeneration projects completed a Bloomer display with Decx, to promote the textile heritage of the town and to promote local businesses who supported the project. Children from David Nieper Academy are working on plans for next year’s display.
The Council are now working with a bid writer to identify funds to implement an arts tail in Alfreton celebrating the mining heritage and the pivotal moment that the strikes occurred, starting in Alfreton in 1912.
Other projects include:
Establishing the markets
Initiating a business forum
Planting scheme

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦Community Hub 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦
The Palmer Morewood Community Hub, supported by Alfreton Town Council, is a vibrant centre located on Hall Street. This hub aims to enhance community life by hosting various local activities and events. The initiative seeks to create a welcoming space where residents can connect, collaborate, and address local issues together. Through this initiative the following community groups have been supported with meeting spaces to continue their work in the community:
Carers Group
Alfreton Rotary
Line Dancing
Salsa classes
Alfreton Heritage
Hearing Help
Musical pub crawl
Chair based exercises
Citizens Advice
First Aid courses
MP advice services
Macmillan fundraisers
Time Swap

💷Grants to outside bodies💷
The Council have continued to support community groups through funding through the grant application scheme.
Palmer Morewood Community Hub
Derbyshire Unemployed Worker’s Centre
South Normanton Foodbank
AYUP youth provisions
Christ the King warm spaces

This year has been a testament to our community's resilience and dedication. We look forward to continuing this momentum into 2025!
Alfreton Town Council
Alfreton Town CouncilFriday, December 20th, 2024 at 10:00am
📢 Community Update: Planning Appeal Outcome in Alfreton 📢

We are deeply disappointed by the recent decision on the planning appeal in Alfreton. Despite Amber Valley Borough Council (AVBC) refusing planning permission, the Planning Inspectorate has allowed the appeal, which we believe is a significant loss for our town's character and heritage.

However, we remain committed to protecting Alfreton's unique identity. We're working with consultants to identify and commission an appraisal of the extent and cost to extend the conservation area along with developing a neighbourhood plan to safeguard against future developments. These projects will be allocated funding through the budget-setting process for 2025/2026.

The Town Council has urged AVBC to stick to a promise of prioritising Alfreton and have highlighted the impact of developments on our community. The Town and Borough council must collaborate on these projects and address the concerns. The responsibility for the administration of an extension to the Conservation Area lies firmly with the Borough.

We will also be asking AVBC to identify Section 106 outcomes that align with our community's needs and help preserve Alfreton's character, especially when development takes place in our Town and outlying villages that utilise Alfreton.

This is a challenging time, but we will continue to fight for Alfreton's best interests.
Alfreton Town Council
Alfreton Town CouncilFriday, December 20th, 2024 at 9:00am
Supported by Alfreton Town Council through the grant application process.
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