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Tour of the Town
On 2nd July 2019 the Council conducted the annual tour of the town visiting different areas of the town. The findings can be found on the document below, issues outside of Alfreton Town Council control have been raised with either Amber Valley Borough Council or Derbyshire County Council.
Christmas Event – Stall Bookings now being taken
Christmas Lights Switch on and Event
Saturday 23rd November 2019 2-6pm
If you would like a stall at the Christmas Event please complete and return the form below
Alfreton Town Council Tour Of The Town
Tuesday 2nd July 2019
Members of Alfreton Town Council will be undertaking their Annual Tour of the Town and will be at the locations listed below :-
Area | Approximate Time |
Depart from Alfreton House | 18.00 |
Rodgers Lane Play Area | 18.02 |
Crabtree Allotment Site | 18.10 |
Beech Avenue Play Area and Footpath | 18.20 |
Meadow Lane Footpaths 1 & 2 | 18.35 |
Meadow Lane Industrial Area | 18.45 |
Alfreton Railway Station | 18.50 |
Milton Avenue Allotment Site | 19.05 |
Flowery Leys Lane Footpath | 19.20 |
Birchwood Road | 19.25 |
Centenary Green | 19.30 |
Peasehill Allotment | 20.00 |
The Green | 20.05 |
Alfreton Welfare Ground | 20.10 |
Bus Station | 20.20 |
Severn Square | 20.25 |
Institute Lane | 20.30 |
Footpath Adjacent Alfreton Academy | 20.40 |
Southend Allotments | 20.50 |
Watchorn Play Area | 21.00 |
Alma Watchorn Park including shelter | 20.10 |
Alfreton Park | 21.15 |
House of Confinement | 21.20 |
Return to Alfreton House | 21.30 |
Easter Entertainment
Alfreton Town Council proudly present
Loopy Lou
Appearing on Severn Square
Saturday 20th April 2019
1 – 3PM
Alfreton Train Station
As part of Alfreton Town Councils campaign to improve facilities and access at the Town’s station, which has been ongoing for more than 25 years, representatives from East Midlands Trains and the Derbyshire Law Centre attended a recent Town Council meeting.
The meeting heard about recent works at the station including security and toilet upgrades and details of an extension to the current Franchise ahead of a formal announcement of a new East Midlands Railway Franchise, which is now expected in April. A variety of topics were raised by Councillors, with the discussions dominated by car parking and access challenges. Although the meeting was constructive, members were left frustrated with the limited information about the long-delayed access improvement project, where it is expected that clearer information on funding in Network Rails Control Period 6 would be available in April. It was also noted that the ongoing short extensions of the current Franchise was limiting opportunity to compete more substantial works to the car park where it was agreed a full review was required by the new Franchisee.
An update on a Discrimination claim, which had been initiated by the Town Council was provided by the Derbyshire Law Centre, who confirmed the final stages of the claim where being concluded ahead of the case being heard in court.
Finally, members expressed concern that fares to London via Chesterfield were more expensive than via Nottingham, which felt like a double whammy for less able passengers that had to travel that route due to the access restrictions to south bound services.
The meeting resolved to write to the Transport Minister and the local MP’s with constituents likely to use Alfreton Station, pressing for prioritisation of the access work. A further meeting is to be held with East Midlands Trains once the new Franchise has been awarded and funding for Control Period 6 confirmed. East Midlands Trains agreed to undertake urgent investigate concerns with the structure of the current bridge, clarity of disabled parking provision and visibility of the ticket machine in direct sunlight.
Mayor 2018/2019
The Mayor for 2018/2019 Municipal Year is Councillor Mary Kerry, if you would like Mary to attend any events please get in touch.
Christmas Elf Competition
The Town Council have run a “Christmas Elf Competition” in conjunction with their lights switch on, for children to spot 14 Elves in businesses windows around the town.
The competition Winners have now been drawn and will be contacted directly, well done to everyone that took part!
Best Dressed Window
The Town Council have run a competition in conjunction with their lights switch on, for local businesses to take part in a best dressed window challenge.
Many of the shops in Alfreton chose to take part and it was a very difficult decision for the judge to make.
Wendy Comins of South Normanton Area Food Bank, the Town Mayors chosen charity, has kindly chosen the winner after visiting each shop one afternoon. ‘It was not an easy job because each one was beautifully decorated,… many in a style in keeping with the shop itself. I chose ‘Pierce of Art’ on Central Road. The display reminded me of an old fashioned Christmas with stockings hanging on the fireplace, a blazing fire and presents around the tree’
Well done to the staff at Pierce of Art; Lesley, Elizabeth, Jess, Lucy and Abbey, they will be presented with their prize by the Town Mayor, Councillor Mary Kerry next week.