Alfreton gets lit up for Christmas!

The Town of Alfreton burst into light at 5pm last Saturday when the Town Mayor, Councillor Mary Kerry, assisted by local children, turned on the Town’s Christmas lights.

The event was well attended by a large number of adults and children who packed the area around Alfreton House. They had been entertained throughout the day by a range of musicians, street entertainers, fair ground rides and of course dear old Santa.

The event also gave the opportunity for local charities to raise around £2,000 for good causes. Local producers and businesses also had the opportunity to showcase their wares.

Councillor Gail Dolman, the event organiser said “Of course an event like this cannot go ahead without the support of local businesses and shops. I would like to thank them all for their generosity particularly our support from Brandon Tool Hire, Keycraft, Alfreton Rotary Club and the many shops and businesses who generously provided raffle prizes”.

Councillor Mary Kerry, the Town Mayor said “I was thrilled to perform the switch on and pleased to see the excitement for Christmas from the many children and also the adults who helped with the Christmas countdown. I know that Christmas is a time for giving but once again Alfreton people displayed their warmth and generosity with spontaneous gifts and food parcels as well as cash for my chosen charity for this year, Alfreton Foodbank”


Battles Over Event

Alfreton Remembrance Sunday Parade from Alfreton House at 10.45am to the War Memorial for a short service and laying of a wreath followed by a service at the Watchorn Methodist Church.
Battles Over Event – Alfreton House from 6.10pm
18.55: The Last Post
1000 individual Buglers sound this historic tribute at WW1 Beacons of Light locations across the Nation and UK Overseas Territories.
19.00: WW1 Beacons of Light
Over 1000 Beacons of Light symbolising an end to the darkness of war and a return to the light of peace.
19.05: Ringing Out for Peace
1000 cathedrals and churches will ring out their bells across the nation, and beyond, in celebration of Peace

A minibus will be provided for transport to and from Watchorn Church.

Additional Information

Mary Kerry meets Mary Berry…

Town Mayor Mary Kerry was honoured to meet Mary Berry, Derbyshire’s Lord Lieutenant William Tucker and Dave Henson, at the Charity event for ABF Soldier’s Charity hosted by Chatsworth House Duke and Duchess of Devonshire.

New Mayor Appointed for 2018/19

At the Annual Meeting of Full Council held in May, the Town Council elected Councillor Mary Kerry as its Mayor for the 2018-19 Municipal Year.
Councillor Mary Kerry has accepted her second appointment as Town Mayor and looks forward to promoting the Town of Alfreton. If you would like the Mayor to attend an event or visit your organisation then please get in touch,
The photograph shows the outgoing Town Mayor Councillor Walker presenting the new Town Mayor Councillor Kerry with her chain of office.

Commemorating WWI – 100 Years

At the meeting in March, Members resolved to purchase a WWI memorial bench for Alfreton House.  This will be positioned on the lawn at the House to commemorate 100 years since the end of WWI.  On the 11th November 2018 at 7pm there will also be a lighting of the Beacon Ceremony to coincide with 1,000 other beacons throughout the UK.  More details will follow closer to the event.
There are further plans to install 2 further benches, one at the Centenary Green and one at the War Memorial.