Amber Valley Borough Council ‘Call for Sites’

Following the withdrawal of the Local Plan in May 2019, Amber Valley Borough Council remains committed to securing an up to date Local Plan for Amber Valley and is working to a timetable to adopt a new Local Plan by March 2023.

One of the key requirements for producing a new Local Plan will be to identify sufficient land for housing and economic development to meet the identified need within the borough, whilst at the same time ensuring that such land can be readily brought forward for development, including to enable the borough council to demonstrate a five-year supply of deliverable sites.

The borough council has previously established a list of potential housing sites, which have been included in its Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). In line with the National Planning Policy Framework, the borough council is now seeking to review this by producing a Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) to ensure that the range of potential sites for both housing and economic development within the borough is up to date.

As part of the process of producing the SHELAA the borough council is undertaking a ‘call for sites’ inviting landowners, developers or other interested parties to put forward one or more potential sites for housing development, ranging from small-scale sites (capable of accommodating 5 or more dwellings) to opportunities for large-scale developments (such as extensions to urban areas and/or villages and new settlements where appropriate) and/or potential sites for economic development (sites of 0.25ha or greater, or 500m2 of floorspace or greater). The borough council would particularly welcome the submission of previously developed (brownfield) land in order to maximise potential development on such land.

The borough council would also welcome potential sites being put forward for other uses, including:

  • Gypsy and traveller accommodation
  • Retail
  • Community facilities
  • Sports / leisure development

All potential sites submitted through the ‘call for sites’ process will then be subject to a detailed assessment in relation to their suitability, availability and deliverability, taking into account potential constraints to development.

The SHELAA will be an important source of evidence to inform the new Local Plan. However, it should be emphasised that the inclusion of any site in the SHELAA does not imply that the site would be allocated in the Local Plan, or that planning permission will be granted for development.

Alternatively, a paper copy can also be requested by emailing or by telephoning 01773 841584.

Completed forms should be returned to:

By email

or by post to:

The Planning Policy Team
Amber Valley Borough Council
Town Hall

no later than 4:30pm on 31 March 2020.

All completed forms should be accompanied by an up to date Ordnance Survey (OS) map at an appropriate scale showing the site in context to its surroundings and clearly identifying the exact boundaries of the site. Please provide as much detail as possible about the site or sites on the form(s), as this will enable the borough council to give full consideration as to their suitability, availability and deliverability.

Please note that any previous submissions to the SHLAA will not automatically be taken into account, so if you have previously made any submission(s), you will need to confirm whether you still wish for these to be considered along with providing any updated information by using the site suggestion form.

All sites submitted through the ‘call for sites’ will be assessed using the SHELAA methodology, which has been written in accordance with National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG)

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